AHCA “Health Care Clinic License” road map

If you seek to receive reimbursement by insurance payors in Florida, either through federal programs (Medicare, Medicaid, and Tricare), or commercial insurance (including Personal Injury Protection and Bodily Injury), you will either need a Health Care Clinic License or qualify as exempt under one of the exemptions. The process of getting a Health Care Clinic License is tedious but not impossible if you meet the requirements. Initial Application The initial application stage requires multiple forms to be completed by the person or entity attempting to apply for the license. You must also complete a proof of financial ability to operate form that must be completed by a licensed certified...

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How Famine and Starvation Could Affect Gazans for Generations to Come

Famine is already happening in parts of Gaza, a top U.S. humanitarian official publicly acknowledged last week for the first time. After six months of Israeli war and blockades, an estimated 2.2 million people are facing acute or catastrophic food shortages. One in three children in northern Gaza are malnourished, and deaths due to hunger are expected to accelerate quickly, U.S. officials have warned. According to the groundbreaking work of Dutch researcher Tessa Roseboom, the impacts of near-starvation are also likely being experienced by generations not yet born. Roseboom, a biologist and professor of early development and health at the Amsterdam UMC/University of Amsterdam, has been...

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Hospice Choices: VITAS Healthcare Opens in Alabama, Expands in Florida Panhandle

Hospice patients and their families in the Florida Panhandle and areas in Southern Alabama can now access quality end-of-life services with VITAS Healthcare. Starting today, the nation’s largest and leading provider of end-of-life care begins accepting referrals and admitting seriously ill patients throughout Tallahassee in Florida and Daphne-Mobile and Dothan in Alabama. “At VITAS, we are committed to providing premier end-of-life care to individuals and families across our communities,” said Jennifer Nygaard, VITAS senior vice president of operations. “The addition of these new service areas enables our compassionate care teams to extend their expertise, so patients and their families...

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The Processed Food Fight

Some researchers are targeting artificial foods as a leading public health problem. As with so many dietary issues, though, the evidence tells a more nuanced tale. After decades of searching, many scientists believe they have finally pinned down the main problem with our modern diets—the factor driving ever-escalating rates of obesity, diabetes, heart disease and any number of other serious chronic conditions. The culprit isn’t saturated fats, trans fats or some new killer fat you haven’t heard of. It’s not cholesterol, carbs or sugars; dairy, gluten or meat. It isn’t a specific thing at all. The problem, according to this increasingly popular argument, is that we’re eating lots of...

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