Healthcare Organizations Speak Out on FTC Non-Compete Ban

Last month, the Federal Trade Commission voted to ban non-compete agreements for workers in for-profit companies. The move upends non-compete laws across the country and has healthcare workers, as well as those who employ them, wondering about its implications. Non-competes are common in physician and mid-level practitioner employment agreements. Since the FTC non-compete ban was announced, several legal challenges have already popped up and more are expected – so it’s unclear if or when the ruling will take place – although it is scheduled to become effective 120 days after being published in the Federal Register on May 7, 2024. The rule change provides for a comprehensive ban on new...

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How cannabis and psilocybin might help some of the 50 million Americans who are experiencing chronic pain

Cannabis – also known as marijuana – is an ancient medicinal plant with promising new medical applications. Nancy Honey/Image Source via Getty Images ~~~~~ The U.S. Drug Enforcement Agency announced in late April 2024 that it plans to ease federal restrictions on cannabis, reclassifying it from a Schedule I drug to the less restricted Schedule III, which includes drugs such as Tylenol with codeine, testosterone and other anabolic steroids. This historic shift signals an acknowledgment of the promising medicinal value of cannabis. The move comes in tandem with growing interest in the use of psilocybin, the active component in magic mushrooms, for treatment of depression, chronic pain and...

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May is Stroke Awareness Month: Why you should act FAST

Did you know that stroke has no age limits, and younger adults are increasingly affected by stroke and its risk factors? Strokes happen when blood supply to part of the brain is blocked or when a blood vessel in the brain bursts. In either case, parts of the brain become damaged or die. Every minute counts when a stroke is suspected. May is National Stroke Awareness Month, when health care professionals remind the public that understanding the signs of a stroke are key to getting care. Stroke affects about 800,000 people in the U.S. each year, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). Thankfully, Palm Beach County residents have two Palm Beach Health Network...

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Sign Here? Financial Agreements May Leave Doctors in the Driver’s Seat

Cass Smith-Collins jumped through hoops to get the surgery that would match his chest to his gender. Living in Las Vegas and then 50, he finally felt safe enough to come out as a transgender man. He had his wife’s support and a doctor’s letter showing he had a long history of gender dysphoria, the psychological distress felt when one’s sex assigned at birth and gender identity don’t match. Although in-network providers were available, Smith-Collins selected Florida-based surgeon Charles Garramone, who markets himself as an early developer of female-to-male top surgery and says that he does not contract with insurance. Smith-Collins said he was willing to pay more to go out-of-network. “I...

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